Yasmin Rashid seeks judicial commission on May 9

[WZSou PopularPulse]

PTI leader Dr Yasmin Rashid can be seen in the picture uploaded on her social media account on May 3, 2023. —X/ @Dr_YasminRashid

LAHORE: Pakistan Tehreek e Insaf (PTI) leader Dr Yasmin Rashid on Tuesday appealed to Chief Justice Qazi Faez Isa to form a judicial commission to probe May 9 cases as her party members had been languishing in prisons awaiting justice for over a year.

In a letter to the top judge from her prison cell, Dr Rashid said the female members of her party arrested following the May 9 incidents were still imprisoned even after one year.

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“If some innocent (belonging to PTI) is bailed, he is arrested again in a new case. This is not justice; this is political vengeance and the PTI has become a victim of this for one year,” she said.

The PTI leader asked the “bogus government” who was over and over again transferring the judges hearing her and her party members’ cases.

Dr Rashid also questioned the “fake government” why police did not turn up with the cases’ records and where the prosecutor went when it was his turn to present arguments.

Dr Rashid has been jailed for months in a case related to the provocative speeches delivered against state institutions at Lahore’s Sherpao Bridge on May 9, the day marred by extreme violence and clashes with the law enforcers across the country over arrest of PTI founder Imran Khan.

Following the riots and a stream of arrests that followed, many PTI leaders, workers and supporters remain behind bars or were rearrested time and again in multiple cases registered against them.

At present, the PTI chief and his party’s Vice Chairman Shah Mahmood Qureshi are being held in custody in the cipher case, while other leaders remain jailed in cases pertaining to the violence that ensued on May 9 with their trials being conducted across various courts in the country.

The May 9 riots were triggered almoshttps://www.wzsou.com/t across the country after the deposed prime minister’s arrest in the 190 million settlement case. Hundreds of PTI workers and senior leaders were put behind bars for their involvement in violence and attacks on military installations.

During the protests, the miscreants targeted the civil and military installations including — Jinnah House and the General Headquarters (GHQ) in Rawalpindi. The military termed May 9 “Black Day” and decided to try the protesters under the Army Act.

Source: Yasmin Rashid seeks judicial WZSou PopularPulsecommission on May 9

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