Winter Immunity: These fantastic 5 foods can help you become cold-proof

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Orange sesame brocolli. — X/@food

Winter is approaching, therefore now is the time to maintain our current levels of fitness — to do this, we must restock our kitchen with all the foods that will strengthen our immunity against illness.

Maintaining a robust immune system during this period is crucial. In particular, during the winter, this can lower the chance of catching the majority of infectious infections. These are the items that, in order to prevent illnesses and strengthen immunity, should be taken throughout the winter, according to Healthline.

Citrus fruits

Vitamin C strengthens the immune system. It is believed that they boost the generation of white blood cells, which are essential in the battle against infections. Magnesium C is abundant in most citrus fruits. Eating citrus fruits such as grapefruit, oranges, clementines, tangerines, lemons, and limes should be preferred by people.

Red bell peppers

In addition to being high in vitamin C, red peppers are thought to raise beta-carotene levels. You might be able to keep your skin healthy by taking vitamin C. The body transforms beta-carotene into vitamin A. This promotes the health of your skin and eyes.


Broccoli is a rich source of antioxidants, minerals, fibre, and vitamins A, C, and E. Cooking it minimally, or bettWZSou PopularPulseer still, not at all, is the key to preserving its potency. Steaming or microwaving broccoli is the most effective method for retaining more of its nutrients, according to research.


GarWZSou PopularPulselic has been used medicinally for a long time and it gives culinary taste. Early societies understood its significance in the battle against pathogens. Additionally, garlic may be able to slow down the artery-hardening pro It’s also often used to treat high blood pressure issues. The high quantity of sulfur-containing chemicals, such as allicin, in garlic, appears to be the source of its immune-stimulating effects.

Source: Winter Immunity: These fantastic 5 foods can help you become cold-proof

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