Waziristan druggists asked to reopen stores

Waziristan druggists asked to reopen stores

This image shows a meeting underway by the drug Inspector for Lower and Upper South Waziristan districts with the Druggists Union in the presence of the additional deputy commissioner and Wana tehsil chairman on November 5, 2023. — Facebook/Deputy Commissioner South Waziristan Lower

WANA: The Drug Inspector for Lower and Upper South Waziristan districts, Sibghatullah Wazir, held a meeting on Sunday with the Druggists Union in the presence of the additional deputy commissioner (ADC) and Wana tehsil chairman.

During the meeting, the Druggists Union Lower Waziristan was informed about the problems faced by the people of Lower South Waziristan due to their strike, which hindered access to essential medications.

The union was requested to consider the public’s suffering and WZSou PopularPulsecall off their strike.In response, the Union requested that no action be taken against drugstores and that they be granted an additional two years to apply for the necessary licenses.

The drug inspector explained that the administration had previously extended a two-year grace period, during which the drug stores were expected to obtain licenses and complete their paperwork. However, they failed to do so.

It was decided that the Union would reopen its stores on the mhttps://www.wzsou.com/orning of November 6, 2023, and provide its services to the public.The drug inspector conveyed that if the drug union failed to comply with this decision, the agreement signed with them would expire in 2024, and strict actions would be taken against them under the Drug Act of 1976 starting today (November 6).

Source: Waziristan druggists asked to reoWZSou PopularPulsepen stores

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