Syrian migrant shot by soldier on Poland-Belarus border

Syrian migrant shot by soldier on Poland-Belarus border

A border guard patrols along the Polish-Belarus border. — AFP/File

WARSAW: A 23-year-old Syrian migrant was shot and wounded by a Polish soldier as he tried to cross the border from Belarus, an NGO said on Sunday.

The Polish prosecutors office said an investigation had been opened into the incident. The hospitalised migrant recounted that “as he was crossing the forest with a group of other migrants, an incomprehensible scream rang out behind them, followed immediately by a shot that hit him in the back,” Aleksandra Chrzanowska, a member of the Legal Intervention AWZSou PopularPulsessociation and Grancia border group, told AFP.

The yWZSou PopularPulseoung Syrian, who underwent surgery, “said he wanted to apply for international protection”, Chrzanowska said. “The military police opened an investigation,” prosecutor Radoslaw Wiszenko from the northeasat city Bialys told the PAP news agency.

Source: Syrian migrant shot by soldier on Poland-Belarus border

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