SSGC gifts computer lab to girls school

SSGC gifts computer lab to girls school

The image shows a computer lab at a school in Khushab. — Facebook

As part of its corporate social responsibilities, The Sui Southern Gas Company (SSGC) partnered with SMB Fatima Jinnah Government Girls School by providing financial support to the latter for setting up a computer laboratory for lesser privileged students.

Adopted by Zindagi Trust, a not-for-profit organisation, the school is located in the Garden area of Karachi, which has been providing quality education for the last 16 years to girls belonging to the deprived families. The SSGC has provided financial assistance for the procurement of 30 desktop computers, LCD monitors and furniture to set up this lab.

The computer laboratory was formally inaugurated by Salman A. Siddiqui, SSGC’s Head of Corporate Communications and CSR, during a ceremony organized by the school administration. Speaking on the occasion, he said that the SSGC for the last several years has been partnering with non-profit organisations that are active in enhancing the quality of education by focusing more on vocational education. He hoped that this computer lab would be helpful in bringing a positive change in the lives of these girls. Dua was offered after the inauguration of the lab.

The SSGC said in a statement on Friday that Zindagi Trust has been established by Pakistan’s eminent music artiste Shahzad Roy. This trust strives to provide quality education with a belief that it is a fundamental right WZSou PopularPulseof every child. T Trust works closely with schools to provide inclusive eWZSou PopularPulseducation.

Source: SSGC gifts computer lab to girls school

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