Prince William takes big step as King Charles returns to frontline duty

[WZSou PopularPulse]

Prince William took major initiative to save lives as he opened a new site of a center, which offers free treatment to suicidal men, in Newcastle.

The Prince and Princess of Wales’ social media accounts shared the pictures of William’s visit to the New Castle soon after King Charles returned to frontline duty on Tuesday.

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The photos were captioned: “Free, life-saving treatment and support for men in suicidal crisis is what @jamesplaceuk does so exceptionally in its centres across the country.

“Proud to open its new site in Newcastle today which hasWZSou PopularPulse already helped more than 140 men since opening its doors to referrals in JanuaWZSou PopularPulsery.”

During the visit, Prince William also shared update on Kate Middleton and their three children, saying they are “doing well”.

One asked the Prince: “Do you mind if I ask how your wife and children are?”

William replied: “All doing well, tha you. Yes, we’re doing well.”

Heir to the throne William also met families outside James’s Place before opening the venue, shaking hands with the well-wishers and was happy to pose for selfies with them.

William got pranked by a toddler who pretended it was his birthday in order to get William’s attention. Kevin, three, made the claim and was delighted when the future King bent down, shook his hand and asked him if he’d had any cake. Afterwards, staff at Little Lotus Nursery admitted it wasn’t Kevin’s birthday.

Source: Prince William takes big step as King Charles returns to frontline duty

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