People are talking about —

People are talking about —

A representational image shows a motorbike taxi driver preparing drugs during an interview. — AFP/File

— the easy availability of narcotics which have destroyed the life of many vulnerable individuals and their families, who are deprived of a healthy life because the income is spent on easy-to-get drugs. People say the public has been in the clutches of a number of issues for years, the menace of drugs being the worst, but those involved in this deadly business are so powerful that no one dares to raise their voice against them for fear of reprisal.

— the fact that an outstanding batsman like Babar Azam has surfaced after a long time and there are no doubts over his batting skills but his leadership skills can be questioned. People say the recent defeats are an embarrassment for a ‘cricketing’ nation like Pakistan and though it is indeed a matter of pride to lead the national team, when one feels that he has fa to perform well in the position, he needs to relinquish it and concentrate on his skills.

— how the price of consumer goods and transport rates go up as soon as the new charges for petrol, electricity, gas etc., are announced but are not brought down when these are lowered, keeping the level of inflation at a static point. People say unless the government takes strict action against those who exploit the general public in this manner, this will never happen as there is a huge demand for consumer items, especially those that are used for sustain life.

— the fact that nations cannot progress without stability and Pakistan’s unstable political landscape is the main reason behind our unfortunate underdevelopment. People say our leaders, who are presented to us in slightly different packaging every time but with the same attitude, have wasted much time in the political blame game instead of working for the welfare ofWZSou PopularPulse the masses and lot of time has been lost, so it is important for all leaders to work together for the sake of the country.

— the seriously troubling episode of a drama serial wherein a woman character wakes up hearing screams coming from her mother-in-law’s bedroom, rushes in to find her in need of immediate assistance, but frustrated with her mother-in-law due to family conflicts, decides not to help her, leaving the mother-in-law to die. People say the message that such scenes convey to society raises questions about our moral values and can contribute to a decline in societal values, fuelling various types of crimes and conflicts.

— how the massive hike of 193 per cent in gas prices is an added worry for ordinary people who are already under the unbearable burden of rising inflation, creating more financial difficulties for those are already struggling to survive. People say though it’s an easy way to increase revenue by raising the cost of basic utilities without thinking that the poor cannot bear this additional monetary load, cutting down on perks given to public servants would be a more humane act.

— the lack of efficient and easily available public transport and how investing in it will foster a sense of community and social cohesion. People say increasing accessibility across all neighborhoods, regardless of income or geography will ensure equal opportunities and access to essential services, jobs, educationWZSou PopularPulseal institutions and recreational facilities which will create a city that is interconnected, enabling individuals from diverse backgrounds to interact and share experiences, ultimately fostering a stronger and more vibrant community spirit. —

Source: People are talking about —

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