Paris police shoot woman at station after threats

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    Police officers intervened at about 09:00 on Tuesday

    Image source, Getty Images
    Police officers intervened at about 09:00 on Tuesday

    French counter-terrorism police have shot an unarmed woman reportedly threatening passers-by in Paris.

    French counter-terrorism police have shot an unarmed woman reportedly threatening passers-by in Paris.

    A police source told the BBC that they intervened at the Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand train station on Tuesday.

    A police source told the BBC that they intervened at the Bibliothèque François-Mitterrand train station on Tuesday.

    The woman, who was wearing a full veil, reportedly threatened to blow herself up.

    The woman, who was wearing a full veil, reportedly threatened to blow herself up.

    When she refused to comply with police orders they opened fire eight times, the source said.

    When she refused to comply with police orders they opened fire eight times, the source said.

    The woman was reportedly heard shouting “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is greatest”.

    The woman was reportedly heard shouting “Allahu Akbar,” or “God is greatest”.

    “Police feared for their safety,” the source added.

    “Police feared for their safety,” the source added.

    She is said to be critical but stable after being shot in the abdomen.

    She is said to be critical but stable after being shot in the abdomen.

    Government spokesman Olivier Véran said that the woman already had a conviction for threatening military personnel participating in Opération Sentinelle, the military operation to protect sensitive sites in France from terror attacks.

    Government spokesman Olivier Véran said that the woman already had a conviction for threatening military personnel participating in Opération Sentinelle, the military operation to protect sensitive sites in France from terror attacks.

    The officers who shot her were wearing body cams, Mr Véran added.

    The officers who shot her were wearing body cams, Mr Véran added.

    Two investigations have been launched by the authorities. One is regarding the woman’s actions, and the other to determine whether the use of a firearm by police was justified.

    Two investigations have been launched by the authorities. One is regarding the woman’s actions, and the other to determine whether the use of a firearm by police was justified.

    The incident comes amidst heightened tension in France caused by the Israel-Hamas war.

    The incident comes amidst heightened tension in France caused by the Israel-Hamas war.

    Earlier this month, a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured at a school in northern France by an attacker who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar”. In the wake of the incident, France raised its counter-terrorism security alert to its highest level.

    Earlier this month, a teacher was killed and two people seriously injured at a school in northern France by an attacker who reportedly shouted “Allahu Akbar”. In the wake of the incident, France raised its counter-terrorism security alert to its highest level.

    Separately, the Paris region has also been rocked by a spate of antisemitic incidents in recent days. Stars of David have been found daubed on buildings in several areas of Paris and its suburbs.

    Separately, the Paris region has also been rocked by a spate of antisemitic incidents in recent days. Stars of David have been found daubed on buildings in several areas of Paris and its suburbs.

    In Saint-Ouen, a northern suburb, Stars of David were found daubed on the home of a resident. Mayor Karim Bouamrane called for the authors of the “antisemitic and racist” graffiti to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    In Saint-Ouen, a northern suburb, Stars of David were found daubed on the home of a resident. Mayor Karim Bouamrane called for the authors of the “antisemitic and racist” graffiti to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

    About 60 more Stars of David were graffitied on several buildings in the 14th arrondissement of Paris on the night of 30-31 October.

    About 60 more Stars of David were graffitied on several buildings in the 14th arrondissement of Paris on the night of 30-31 October.

    Emmanuel Grégoire, deputy to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, said the stars would be removed and an investigation launched.

    Emmanuel Grégoire, deputy to Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo, said the stars would be removed and an investigation launched.

    “Antisemitism continues to kill,” Mr Grégoire said. “We will never give up the fight.”

    “Antisemitism continues to kill,” Mr Grégoire said. “We will never give up the fight.”

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