Meghan Markle recalls receiving key advice before marrying Prince Harry

[WZSou PopularPulse]

Meghan Markle recalls receiving key advice before marrying Prince Harry

Meghan Markle shared that she has received beautiful advice aboutWZSou PopularPulse creating a balanced life before tying the knot to Prince Harry.

For the unversed, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are presently in Nigeria for an unofficial royal visit.

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On May 11, Meghan appeared for a panel discussion which was focused on Women in Leadership with her husband.

Speaking of her old days as an actress, the former working royal shared, “When I was on season one of Suits, so that was a long time ago. Now I know the show is having a resurgence, but that was a long time ago. Let’s say maybe a decade ago.”

She contin by sharing Bonnie Hammer’s advice, who runs NBCUniversal.

Meghan shared, “She was a huge mentor, remains a huge mentor to me. And I remember having the good fortune at the time that she invited me to have breakfast and I thought this was just the biggest deal in the world.”

“And I asked her that exact question. I said, ‘How do you find the balance?’ And she said, ‘You don’t, you’ll never find the balance,'” the mother-of-two added.

Meghan said, “And this was before I was married, this before I had children, this is before all the things in my life have certainly had a plot twist.”

However, the Duchess shared that with time, one will master the art of keeping balance in different phases of life.

Source: Meghan Markle recalls receiving key advice before marrying Prince Harry

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