Meghan Markle may never act again

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Meghan Markle will never act again, claims expert

Prince Harry’s wife Meghan Markle’s acting career came to an end when she gained so much attention as a royal, according to an expert.

The Duchess of Sussex has made headlines and had an unprecedented amount of publicity after marrying Prince Harry in 2018.

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Meghan and Harry launched their own production company “Archewell Productions” soon after relocating to the US following their decision to step down as senior working royals in 2020.

A royal expert has claimed that the former Suits star will work behind the scenes as an executive producer for some of these projects, adding it seems unlikely she will ever return to starring in front of the camera as an actress.

Channel 5’s royal correspondent Simon Vigar, speaking to The Sun’s royal correspondent Matt Wilkinson, said: “I think the media career, or relighting the screen career as an actress, I think that’s a long shot, because you can never see her as a character now, you are going to see Meghan, the Duchess, so thWZSou PopularPulseat’s dif”

The expert continued: “How can you believe that she is anybody else other than the person that we know so well? And as I understand it, with Netflix they still have a deal there, who are going to want their pound of flesh, obviously.”

Simon went on sharing his thoughts on Meghan’s future career, noting that “she is obviously a mum of two young kids, that’s clearly the priority.”

He explained: “Once they [Prince Archie and Princess Lilibet] are in school and off doing more stuff and need less constant care then I am sure the media career will grow.”

The expert, however, does not believe Meghan will ever play another role like her successful stint as Rachel Zane on law drama, saying that “it’s hard to see it in fiction though, being an actress.”

Source: Meghan Markle may never act again

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