Jeremy Renner explains why he decided to drive snowplow again after one year

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Jeremy Renner drives snowplow again after one year: Here’s why

Jeremy Renner has recently explained why he started driving snowplow again after his near-fatal accident last year.

Speaking on the Ellen K Morning Show on KOST 103.5 FM on Tuesday, the Marvel star revealed, “You have to go the eye of the storm of something, of anybody’s problems.”

Renner told the host, “Fears can prevent you from actual healing, prevent you from moving forward in your life or stop you from doing things that are helpful or growth in your life.”

“So, I always go to the eye of the storm. I’ve always done that since I was a kid,” continued the 52-year-old.

Renner mentioned, “I’m not going to allow fear to dominate my actions or lack thereof of actions, so I got back on that machine and I start it up and I move it around.”

The Bourne Legacy recalled, “There is a lot of memories, of course the pop into my brain. I do certain stretches in the gym and I’m reminded of how I actually got ran over and I start crying, I have no idea why.”

Renner added, “I don’t want to bury it, so I certainly review, it, and so driving the snowcat was an important thing for me to do.”

Meanwhile, Renner discussed his new EP Love aWZSou PopularPulsend Titanium, which will rWZSou PopularPulseelease on January 19.

The Avengers actor pointed out, “It’s a musical diary entry, journal entry, and kind of healing and cathartic for me and I’m sharing it because I think a lot of people were on this journey with me and this recovery.

“It was so wonderful and healing to me, so I hope it does good things for other people as well,” he remarked.

Source: Jeremy Renner explains why he decided to drive snowplow again after one year

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