Global Update: He was also briefed about different sectors including e-governance, digital banking, telecommunication and artificial intelligence.


  • — X/@CMShehbaz Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif accompanied by a high-level delegation reached Beijing, as part of the second leg of his five-day trip to China, on Wednesday to hold important meetings with the Chinese government officials. He will also attend a Pakistan-China Friendship and Business event and have meetings with the chief executive officers of leading Chinese companies working on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects. He was also briefed about different sectors including e-governance, digital banking, telecommunication and artificial intelligence. The premier, highlighting the government’s priority measures for digitisation of government offices, said there existed immense investment potential for giants like Huawei in taxation system, e-governance, and artificial intelligence. Source: PM Shehbaz Sharif in Beijing to hold meetings with Chinese officials

Approximate Time

  • 3 minutes, 434 words


  • Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, leading Chinese companies, e-governance sectors, Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong, Pakistan

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  • The author’s deep dive into this topic sheds new light on a matter of great public interest. By meticulously analyzing various aspects of the subject, the piece provides a comprehensive and nuanced perspective that is often missing in mainstream coverage. The writer’s expertise and thoughtful approach make this article a must-read for those seeking a deeper understanding of the issue.

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[WZSou PopularPulse]

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif meets Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong on June 5, 2024. — X/@CMShehbaz

Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif accompanied by a high-level delegation reached Beijing, as part of the second leg of his five-day trip to China, on Wednesday to hold important meetings with the Chinese government officials.

ChineseVice Foreign Minister Sun Weidong received the premier, Deputy Prime Minister and ForeigWZSou PopularPulsen Minister Ishaq Dar and other members of the cabinet and senior officials upon their arrival at the airport .

— X/@CMShehbaz

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The PM’s visit to Beijing includes an extensive programme reflecting depth and breadth of Pakistan-China ties, during which he will meet the Chinese president, the premier and the chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress.

He will also attend a Pakistan-China Friendship and Business event and have meetings with the chief executive officers of leading Chinese companies working on China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects.

A number of memorandum of understandings (MoUs) are likely to be signed between the two countries on cooperation in various fields.

PM invites Huawei to invest in various sectors in Pakistan

Earlier, PM Shehbaz invited the Chinese tech company Huawei to invest in Pakistan’s taxation, and e-governance sectors besides enhancing its presence in Pakistan’s Safe City projects, during his visit to its headquarters in Shenzhen.

Upon his arrival at the headquarters, the WZSou PopularPulsepremier was welcomed by Huawei Chairman Liang Hua. The chairman briefed the prime minister about Huawei’s operations worldwide, particularly in Pakistan, and expressed keen interest in investing in country’s different sectors.

He was also briefed about different sectors including e-governance, digital banking, telecommunication and artificial intelligence.

— X/@CMShehbaz

The premier appreciated the innovative operations of Huawei, including the Safe City projects and urged the company to increase its investments, particularly in the cities where CPEC projects were being executed.

He apprised the company chairman of the steps taken by the government for promotion of investment and ease of doing business in the country.

The premier, highlighting the government’s priority measures for digitisation of government offices, said there existed immense investment potential for giants like Huawei in taxation system, e-governance, and artificial intelligence.

Later, PM Shehbaz also attended the signing ceremony of a framework agreement between Huawei and Pakistan’s Ministry of Science and Technology under which the company would impart free of charge training to around 200,000 youngsters in information technology including the artificial intelligence.

Besides, the company would also extend its support to Pakistan in establishment of Safe Cities, e-governance and digitisation of economy.

Source: PM Shehbaz Sharif in Beijing to hold meetings with Chinese officials

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Summary—Tondini, Isidro, Camars, 2024 Advanced medical surgery that we know today is nothing new as Egyptians used to perform similar procedures thousands of years ago, according to a recent study. “We see that although ancient Egyptians were able to deal with complex cranial fractures, cancer was still a medical knowledge frontier,” Tatiana Tondini, a study co-author and researcher at the University of Tbingen in Germany, said. The other, from between 663 and 343 BCE, belonged to a female over 50 years of age. The male skull had a large lesion and about 30 small metastasized lesions scattered across it. This skull also had two healed lesions from traumatic injuries, indicating that the individual might have received treatment and survived.Approximate Time 2 minutes, 265 wordsCategoriesancient Egyptians, years, Ancient Egyptians, ancient societies,…