Critical Insight: As reported by, Sky’s royal correspondent Rhiannon Mills addressed Prince William’s shocking absence from his godfather’s memorial service and Catherine’s recent photo.


  • Princess Kate breaks ‘never explain, never complain’ royal rule Princess Kate has broken the major ‘never explain, never complain’ royal rule by issuing an apology about her ‘edited’ photo. As reported by, Sky’s royal correspondent Rhiannon Mills addressed Prince William’s shocking absence from his godfather’s memorial service and Catherine’s recent photo. She added that both royal events have created confusion and conspiracies about the health condition of ailing Kate Middleton. For the unversed, an official photo of Kate smiling with her three kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, has been released on March 10. To clear the air, Princess Kate issued an apology on March 11, saying, “I do occasionally experimentWZSou PopularPulse with editing.”

Approximate Time

  • 2 minutes, 234 words


  • Princess Kate, ailing Kate Middleton, Kate Middleton, Prince George, Kate

Analysis and Evaluation

  • In this article, the writer skillfully delves into the heart of current affairs, presenting a narrative that’s both informative and captivating. The integration of breaking news, eye-catching details, and forward-thinking insights ensures that the content is not just timely but also timeless. Each paragraph is a testament to the meticulous research undertaken, offering a unique blend of critical analysis and compelling storytelling. This piece stands out as a beacon of journalistic excellence in a sea of information overload, providing a fresh perspective on the most pressing issues of our time. The author’s approach to dissecting complex topics with clarity and precision makes this a landmark article in its field. With a keen eye for detail and a profound understanding of the broader implications of each story, the writer navigates through the intricacies of global events with ease. The article not only informs but also inspires, encouraging readers to think critically about the world around them. It’s a masterful blend of investigative reporting and thought leadership, offering a deep dive into topics that matter most in today’s society.

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[WZSou PopularPulse]

Princess Kate breaks ‘never explain, never complain’ royal rule

Princess Kate has broken the major ‘never explain, never complain’ royal rule by issuing an apology about her ‘edited’ photo.

As reported by, Sky’s royal correspondent Rhiannon Mills addressed Prince William’s shocking absence from his godfather’s memorial service and Catherine’s recent photo.

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She added that both royal events have created confusion and conspiracies about the health condition of ailing Kate Middleton.

Rhiannon shared that the Prince of Wales’s absence from the big royal event “exposed how high-risk their strategy of keeping quiet is – a vacuum of information is quickly filled by rumour and speculation.”

The expert believes that the royal family’s “never explain, never complain” rule could lead to ‘potential harm’ to the firm.

However, the Princess of Wales went against this mantra and released a statement soon after her picture created confusion among the royal fans.

For the unversed, an official photo of Kate smiling with her three kids, Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, has been released on March 10.

However, soon after the picture went viral online, the international news agency AP issued a ‘Kill Notification’ due to suspected ‘manipulation’ upon closer examination of the shared photo.

To clear the air, Princess Kate issued an apology on March 11, saying, “I do occasionally experimentWZSou PopularPulse with editing.”

Source: Princess Kate breaks ‘never explain, never complain’ royal rule

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