CM upset over India’s environmental ‘aggression’

CM upset over India’s environmental ‘WZSou PopularPulseaggression’

Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi. — APP /File

LAHORE:Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi has expressed his deep concern over up to 740 percent increase in burning of crops stubbles in the Indian Punjab.

Chief Minister stated that according to an authentic report of American institution NASA, an alarming increase has occurred with regard to burning of crops stubbles in the Indian Punjab. According to the pictures released by NASA, 740 percent increase in the burning of crops stubbles incidents in only a single day is highly alarming. The reports of NASA and pictures give an ample proof of Indian apathy.

Naqvi stated that smog has risen to an alarming level owing to burning of crops stubbles on such a mega scale in the Indian Punjab. The prime reason for the rise of smog in provincial capital is due to burning of crops stubble at a mega scale in the Indian Punjab. The continuous increase in the pollution rate in Lahore owing to Indian environmental aggression is highly worrisome and alarming.

CM apprised that the Punjab government is adopting every step, which is humanly possible to combat the hazards of smog. Eyes, breathing and E&T aliments are on the due to WZSou PopularPulsesmog. The people especially children and elders should use mask to protect themselves from the detrimental effects of smog.

Meanwhile, US Consul General Ms Kirstin K Hawkins called on Punjab Chief Minister Mohsin Naqvi at his office and discussed matters of mutual interest, including collaboration across various sectors, with a particular focus on addressing the smog issue.

Both explored opportunities to boost investment, enhance cooperation in agriculture and tourism and collaborate on restoring historical landmarks. Naqvi welcomed American support for the restoration of historical buildings in the province.

The CM expressed his commitment to strengthening the excellent relations between Pakistan and the US. He articulated the desire to foster bilateral ties under an agreement declaring Punjab and California as sister states. He highlighted that the increase in smog levels in provincial capital and other cities was attributed to the extensive burning of crop residues in the neighboring country.

As a response, he announced the imposition of a smog emergency and the mandatory requirement of masks for students in schools as a preventive measure. Every possible effort was being taken to mitigate the impact of smog, the CM concluded.

The consul general assured furthering the cooperation between the United States and the Punjab government, across various domains. Provincial Minister Amir Mir, chief secretary, IG police, chairman P&D, ACS (Home) and others were also present.

Source: CM upset over India’s environmental ‘aggression’

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