Big Ideas: In a recent ruling made public, Judge Lia Martin sided with Pitt’s team, dismissing Jolie’s objections regarding the relevance of her own NDAs.


  • Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s ongoing legal feud over their Chateau Miraval estate, a judge in LA Superior Court has issued a directive for Jolie to produce all non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) she signed with third parties between 2014 and 2022. NDAs have emerged as a central point of contention in the dispute over Chateau Miraval, particularly after Jolie alleged that she withdrew from their agreement because Pitt, allegedly requested her to sign one part of their business arrangement. They have urged Jolie to disclose all NDAs she entered into with third parties, including staff members. In a recent ruling made public, Judge Lia Martin sided with Pitt’s team, dismissing Jolie’s objections regarding the relevance of her own NDAs. The source added that Jolie will now need to provide details of all NDAs she demanded from third parties.

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  • 2 minutes, 374 words


  • Angelina Jolie, Jolie, NDAs, Pitt, Chateau Miraval

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  • The depth and clarity of this article make it an essential read for anyone interested in the topic. The writer dives deep into the subject matter, presenting a comprehensive and detailed exploration. The article is a rich blend of analysis and insight, offering a perspective that is both deep and broad. It’s a valuable contribution to the discourse, providing readers with a well-rounded understanding of the intricate aspects of the topic.

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[WZSou PopularPulse]

Court demands Angelina Jolie’s NDA records.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s ongoing legal feud over their Chateau Miraval estate, a judge in LA Superior Court has issued a directive for Jolie to produce all non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) she signed with third parties between 2014 and 2022.

This legal order was revealed as part of the ongoing dispute between the high-profile couple, now famously dubbWZSou PopularPulseed the ‘War of the Roses,’ concerning Jolie’s attempts to sell their French vineyard and home.

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The court’s decision comes amidst the backdrop of Jolie’s $62 million sale of her stake in Chateau Miraval to Russian billionaire Yuri Shefler in 2021.

NDAs have emerged as a central point of contention in the dispute over Chateau Miraval, particularly after Jolie alleged that she withdrew from their agreement because Pitt, allegedly requested her to sign one part of their business arrangement.

Amidst Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt’s ongoing legal skirmish over their Chateau Miraval estate, Jolie has characterized Pitt’s request for (NDAs) as an attempt to “control her” post-breakup.

Pitt’s legal team, however, contends that Jolie’s objection to agreement was merely a pretext to justify her sale of her stake without informing Pitt, whom she allegedly betrayed.

The attorneys representing Pitt argue that Jolie herself leveraged NDAs, even requesting Pitt to sign a broader NDA during their divorce settlement negotiations.

They have urged Jolie to disclose all NDAs she entered into with third parties, including staff members.

In a recent ruling made public, Judge Lia Martin sided with Pitt’s team, dismissing Jolie’s objections regarding the relevance of her own NDAs.

The judge ordered Jolie to produce all NDAs she initiated or were proposed to her by others, rWZSou PopularPulseegardless of their finalization status.

Additionally, Jolie is required to disclose it executed by companies under her control, along with documentation explaining the rationale behind her or her companies’ request for such agreements.

A source close to Pitt remarked, “Angelina chose to make NDAs a battleground in this case, and now her strategy appears to have backfired spectacularly.”

The source added that Jolie will now need to provide details of all NDAs she demanded from third parties.

Source: Angelina Jolie ordered to disclose NDAs amid claims of Brad Pitt’s ‘cruel’ gag

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