
Anti-Israel mob reportedly storms Dagestan airport

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    Israel has urged Russia to protect “all its citizens and all Jews” after a mob reportedly stormed a Dagestan airport seeking people arriving from Tel Aviv.

    Israel has urged Russia to protect “all its citizens and all Jews” after a mob reportedly stormed a Dagestan airport seeking people arriving from Tel Aviv.

    Unverified video posted on social media shows an angry crowd running in the airport in Makhachkala, shouting anti-Semitic slogans.

    Unverified video posted on social media shows an angry crowd running in the airport in Makhachkala, shouting anti-Semitic slogans.

    Some of the crowd run onto the runway and surround aircraft there.

    Some of the crowd run onto the runway and surround aircraft there.

    The Israeli PM’s office said Russia must act decisively against incitement to violence against Jews and Israelis.

    The Israeli PM’s office said Russia must act decisively against incitement to violence against Jews and Israelis.

    Russia’s aviation agency has closed the airport and security forces are on the scene, Russian media report.

    Russia’s aviation agency has closed the airport and security forces are on the scene, Russian media report.

    The government of Dagestan – a mainly Muslim Russian republic that is home to some 3.1m people on the western edge of the Caspian Sea – said a criminal case had been opened for civil disorder.

    The government of Dagestan – a mainly Muslim Russian republic that is home to some 3.1m people on the western edge of the Caspian Sea – said a criminal case had been opened for civil disorder.

    “We recommend that all persons who have violated the operating procedures of the (airport) facility not to continue illegal acts and not to interfere with the work of airport employees,” the local government said on Telegram.

    “We recommend that all persons who have violated the operating procedures of the (airport) facility not to continue illegal acts and not to interfere with the work of airport employees,” the local government said on Telegram.

    Israel’s foreign ministry said the Israeli ambassador in Moscow was working with Russian authorities, adding that Israel “views gravely attempts to harm Israelis citizens and Jews anywhere”.

    Israel’s foreign ministry said the Israeli ambassador in Moscow was working with Russian authorities, adding that Israel “views gravely attempts to harm Israelis citizens and Jews anywhere”.

    “Israel expects the Russian law enforcement authorities to safeguard all Israeli citizens and Jews, whoever they may be, and to take robust action against the rioters and against the unbridled incitement being directed at Jews and Israelis,” the ministry statement said.

    “Israel expects the Russian law enforcement authorities to safeguard all Israeli citizens and Jews, whoever they may be, and to take robust action against the rioters and against the unbridled incitement being directed at Jews and Israelis,” the ministry statement said.

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