Comments on: How to Make It In the Music Industry — Two Behind-the-Scenes Professionals Break It Down The authority for music industry professionals. Fri, 12 Aug 2022 21:20:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Inquime Sun, 13 Dec 2020 18:45:29 +0000 cvs din Canada interac?iuni medicamentoase CГўmpia Turzii
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interac?iuni medicamentoase sezonul unei vie?i erup?ii cutanate cutanate legate Revizuire

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By: Blobbo Thu, 03 Dec 2020 10:37:15 +0000 In reply to Vail, CO.

Jay Z sucks. Losing him would have meant nothing to music history.

Those bands you mentioned had mentors who had taste and brains and guts, as well as being connected to big money machines. Today we have Scooter Braun, and he ain’t finding jack squat that’s any good.

There’s hope in music, but it will always come from the ground up, never from the top down. There’s a few problems now, but mostly the problem is that standards in quality have collapsed, and also, the mass media have decided they want no more heterosexual male working class heros any longer, which is why all you get is divas and street criminals (who deserve to get away from the street) as characters. The archetype of the working class man sticking it to the elites has been deliberately scrubbed by the mass media overlords, most of whom are connected to militarists and assorted cultural agendists, who’ve discovered that attacking straight men is actually a really effective way of keeping EVERYONE oppressed. It’s working like a charm! And no, I’m not in the least right wing, nor do I support them, but it’s clear to see that what our mass media has created is a disaster, and STILL serves the elites, at least in the USA.

I would advise anyone who wants to make music other than rap and/or bad corporate diva pop to leave the USA and tour in Europe and build a career there, instead of the USA. Health care is one of the main reasons. The USA does NOT support artists or musicians, PERIOD. The pandemic offers more evidence of that. The USA is a dump run by elitists for elitists and should be abandoned. Even the rappers who are offered a path to success are getting killed constantly. It’s a ridic country.

By: Vail, CO Wed, 02 Dec 2020 21:15:55 +0000 Take away the big labels, and take away the biggest musicians of all time. Led Zeppelin, Beatles, Run-DMC, Jay-Z, whatever, you need investors (major labels) to raise those from nothing to superstar.

By: Tom Hendricks Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:59:46 +0000 In reply to Tom Hendricks.

Articles like this. Auto correct mistake above

By: Tom Hendricks Wed, 02 Dec 2020 16:58:13 +0000 The music revolution is the only real chance that 99% of musicians have for a music career.

Base music sales on quality, not marketing ploys, get rid of the big three labels, and you won’t need to do article cows like this.
