How the Average American Actually Consumes Media…


Survey conducted among 41,634 Americans spanning all age ranges by Jacobs Media, a Detroit-based media research and consulting firm specializing in radio, television, and new media.

Some other details: Those that responded ‘yes’ to TV and radio spend at least 1 hour a day watching; text and streaming at least once a week.  Radio and podcasts are tracked across any delivery platform; satellite radio includes trial and paid subscribers.

6 Responses

  1. Remi Swierczek

    Connect me with Larry Page, please! We can double Google as we create $200B discovery based music industry. Anyone there with link to Larry? Cue on Ek’s DOPE won’t do.

  2. Orion

    When they say America, do they mean north, central and south America or America like the United States of America? Pretty huge difference.

    • gary

      yeah Orion, they mean United States, but don’t consider the rudeness of leaving out central and south america.