What started as a blatant racial attack is now becoming a serious debate, and neither the New York Post nor its sports critic, Phil Mushnick, are backing down.
The Post has refused to pull the original story, much less issue an apology. Instead, the paper is going on the offensive, with politically-incorrect warrior Mushnick now calling Jay-Z the racist – and the real perpetrator of negative racial stereotypes and double standards.
Last week:“New York Post Stands by Extremely Racist Jay-Z Article…“
Unfortunately, this is all becoming about the ‘N-word,’ and who gets to say it. In a conversation with Village Voice writer James King, Mushnick kept pointing out that Jay-Z uses the ‘N-word’ all the time, while highlighting the extreme double-standard applied. If it’s okay for Jay, why not a 50-something white guy from New York?
“I’m never comfortable using that word [N-word]. That’s the way I was raised. Shame on my parents…
The ONE time I spelled it out – for accuracy – I was widely condemned as a racist. So either way, I’m a bigot. I know what’s in my heart and my head, the way I was raised, and the way I raised my kids. But you’ve painted me a racist.”
And, here’s an earlier statement issued to the Post’s Bob’s Blitz on the matter, not only highlighting the double-standard but also portraying Jay-Z as the real racist.